Where Have I Been??

Thu, 5 Oct 23

Okay I don't know how to start this blog post so I'll get straight to the point: I have completely lost motivation to regularly update this site. I'm not entirely suprised, this happened last year aswell right after I first got into html, however that was more due to my frustrations with not understanding how to code what I wanted. My recent lack of interest I suspect is due to a few things?

Firstly, I was motivated because it was just one of my interests at the time?? I don't know how to explain it but (as I'm sure everyone does obviously) I fall in and out of interests all the time, and building the website was one of them for a bit. Now it's not so much. Rather than putting my small random thoughts and life updates here (not that I did that much) I've returned to journalling, one of my other interests I fall in and out of occasionally. Getting my thoughts out somewhere else means I'm not so interested in putting them on the site.

Another thing that kept me motivated to update here was my youtube and such. When I got bored of twitter (which I was using as a microblog for my youtube updates) and deleted my other social medias after realising my website could work more effectively as a 'central hub', I intended to use this website for updates. However, I don't really make updates that often because I don't make videos or stream that often, so this didn't give me reasons to come on and update my website regularly either. Infact I think the 'videos in progress' tracker thing I made on the page about my youtube is now quite outdated. I think what I'm trying to say is that even when my site has a practical use (as opposed to updating the site for the sake of the site itself) that's not reason enough to motivate me to come on here and update it.

As an extention of the point above, I recently made a tumblr to once more serve as a microblog for my youtube. So that's another reason I no longer have to come and update here. I could go on a whole rant about tumblr and my thoughts on it compared to twitter and such, but I'm already really struggling to articulate my thoughts so maybe I'll leave that for another day...

Does this mean that you'll stop updating the website? Definitely not! But the way things are headed, I'll be updating less frequently, unless of course my motivation comes back. I still absoloutely love having a website, and it will continue to have its uses for me. I might just have to rethink the layout and possibly remake it again??? I don't know yet, and I'm not in a rush to make changes so I'll try and keep you all posted as I get around to it. In the mean time I hope my inactivity doesn't make this site feel... I don't know... not as fun?? It's getting a bit late and my thoughts are a bit foggy, if there's anything else I remember to add later you'll see it here!

Also also, while I'm here, thank you all so much for 11,000 views that's honestly so cool, thank you, thank you very much, and I hope you'll return to see me again soon :D