Pfft okay so I put up a community post on my youtube saying I'd put effort into blogging more, and then I didn't... So anyway I'm going to skip straight to the youtube stuff and then maybe I'll come back and talk about some older stuff in another post??
Okay so firstly, since making that post we hit 40 subscribers!!! So thank you so much for that. I think sometimes celebrating small subscriber count milestones is considered a little bit cringe (like kids on youtube posting a video saying thank you for every sub they get even if it's a really obscure number) but honestly I think 40 subs is pretty impressive. I would have an anxiety attack if you put me in a room with 40 other people so there's that. I also think even though I'd always imagine myself with a pretty decent following on youtube, if you asked me before I started this to say with certainty I'd make it even this far, I just wouldn't be able to. Optimistically I can see myself passing 100 subs (even if it takes me a few more years) but it's not completely unlikely that I could just never make it to 50.
I think an even more impressive thing than my subscriber count is the fact that I now regularly receive comments. One of my 'goals' with my channel was to reach a level of presence where I have a kind of 'regular' audience. I expected to hit that around the 300-500 subscriber mark but already I get plenty of nice comments on my videos which has been amazing. There's even a few regulars who I see pop up every so often or even consistently under each video (and if you're reading this right now I really cannot express enough how much that means to me)!
I want to continue keeping track of where I'm at with youtube, just so I can look back on this stuff to see if anything's changed. I look back on some stuff that is now like 3 years old and it's completely a different experience to whats happening now. Idk it's just so interesting to look back on, so I want to keep plenty of current stuff for future me to have a look at.
What else have I been up to? Well I've tried to put aside some free time this week to make a ton of new stuff, but today might be my last opportunity to get stuff done and so far I haven't really got much. I smashed out the most recent single player episode and posted that a few days ago now but then realised I hadn't had anything new to post. I want to keep my Minecraft videos (especially all my single player series videos) split up to keep some variety on the channel. Like I'm happy to be a 'minecraft youtuber' (putting it in quotes because that phrase has started sounding so weird to me in the past few years ;-;) but I also enjoy really chill videos of people just going about their day and talking about things, and it's the kind of stuff I'd be really interested in doing.
So the other day I set up my camera on my new tripod (scored it for like $10) and sat down and tried to film a video. Stuff happened that day mid recording, I'm fine but it really put me in a bad mood. I came home and was able to finish the video fine. I got a chance to use both my cameras since the one I was using went flat near the end (I went on multiple rants about things in my room). I wanted to get it out the way and on my computer to have a look at and edit asap, otherwise the videos would sit and rot on my camera storage forever. Yesterday I actually got around to looking at it and a majority of the footage is unusable, but I've learnt stuff from it and will hopefully be able to make a better video next time.
Basically the first few issues I noticed were that my face was in frame for a lot more than I was expecting. I really don't know how I feel about having my face on camera. At this point it's more of a case of once it's on the internet it's there forever, but also I sometimes wish I didn't care so much??? Like I talked to someone on spacehey who did vlogs where they put their face out of frame and just showed their upper torso and whatever was on the table in front of them which I thought was really cool. But I feel like when I do it it's just not as fun? I've considered other things like wearing a face mask and covering my face in editing but it just isn't really the same. I also want to avoid making it obvious that I'm trying to cover my face because I feel like if I ever end up showing my face people will consider it a face reveal which I hate (yeah yeah I've talked about this before, oh well). I don't want it to be a big deal on any level and simply calling it a face reveal I feel implies some sort of significance to it. It's also a reason I don't want to put it off for too long because I just want my face occasionally appearing to just be the norm for my channel? Idk I'm just very worried with my digital footprint and all that even though I know it's pretty normal for people to show their faces all the time .
Anyway moving on from that, I want to explain my two cameras. The first is my photo camera which I try to take everywhere with me to just take random photos with (I've talked about this camera in previous posts also). It can take video but it definitely works best as a photo camera. Then I have my video camera which is a hand me down and is nearly as old as I am. I started my video with my photo camera and I was worried that everything would be really dark since the brightness appears to drop when you hit record. Turns out the lighting was fine on that recording, but the sound was not. The microphone seems to pick up some buzzing inside the camera while recording that I can't cut out in editing. It's manageable when I'm close enough to the camera (like if I'm holding it) but the buzzing is unbearable when I get further away. When that camera died and I switched to my video camera, recording was much easier since the screen flips around to see how in frame you are. Just like the photo camera I expected the recording to be dark, and this time it was. I tried bumping up the brightness in editing but then the image became all blocky and gross. The sound was very good though and today when I went to test it again I discovered there was a 'gain up' setting that had been turned off and after turning it on the picture seems to be much brighter. I haven't tried recording with it on yet but if it works it'll probably be my go to recording camera (minus it's not so great battery life...).
So yeah, hopefully I can get another vlog type video done soon. Today I recorded a roblox video, and I'm also hoping to record the next single player episode while I still have time to myself. But yeah I want to keep trying to make non-minecraft videos to help spread them out some more. Even other video games or SOMETHING more than what I've got at the moment. I want my channel to be full of flavour.
And I think that's everything for now. Thank you so much for all your support and thank you for reading all the way through this mess of a blog post!!! ( ̄ω ̄) ♡