July 2024

Tue, 16 Jul 24

Since I want to get into blogging more on this site I thought it might be helpful to set some goals or a routine or something, and have settled on a monthly blog. I doubt I will stick to it but I can only try. I think one of the biggest things holding me back from talking more regularly is that I have nothing to talk about. Everything's either too personal, or too boring, or something I can't articulate well enough to post anywhere. I mean also motivation, it takes a bit more effort to get something posted to my site than it does other places (as I've talked about before with spacehey for instance). Speaking of spacehey I've been thinking I could incorporate some of my spachey blogs into these monthly blogs to kind of beef them out a bit but well see how that goes.

Uhh, okay... so what's been happening recently? Yesterday I spent most of my day making this cat patch which I'm very proud of. Took me just under 6 hours (with breaks and a lot of unpicking of course). I wanna make some more and eventually start sewing them onto something, probably my jacket but I might change my mind. When I came home I spontaneously recorded a new Minecraft video and got that edited. I'll have to start working on subtitles, hopefully today. And then I think I did some more work on the site?

Anyway, today I woke up and had practically all of my plans cancelled so I finished off some of the video stuff and now I'm basically here! I've been meaning to make a doctors appointment and am working myself up to go organise it. I've only organised one doctors appointment completely on my own before so it's still very new to me. The weather's not great right now but I want to go for a walk past the clinic and see how busy it is before I go in. I refuse to ring up to make an appointment because I find it easier talking to people face to face.

It's midday at the moment, I should probably go get myself something to eat. I was going to get myself a milkshake (and while I was out walking, go past the clinic) but I'm trying to save my money since my next pay day is forever away. I might go make myself some toast :3

Fri, 19 Jul 24

Okay so I wrote this entry up on spacehey first and am now only getting to posting this a few days later but I WROTE it on the 19th so it still counts! And yes there is no grammar here I'M SORRY >:P

thoughts go brrrrrr okay so today i went out and caught up with some friends! we met up for lunch at a restaurant. every time we go to this restaurant in particular we have a tradition of gossiping about people (yes, sadly i am not above such things U_U), but honestly we haven't really spent a lot of time around other people to complain about them recently. thankfully we still had enough to talk about to pad out our time before we realised we needed to get a move on, since our next plans were to go op shopping!

we actually also spent a lot of time gambling on some claw machines. i didn't win anything myself despite having had a bit of luck with them recently, but one person in our group won a few items throughout the day, and even gave me one of the winnings. so now i have a white angry bird plush to add to my collection of little plushies! and actually before we hit any of the op shops still, we had a wander in a small book store, but i didn't see much there that interested me. it did remind me though, that i want to get into subscribing to some magazines?? but idek where to start with to go about doing that, i'm not entirely sure what magazines i'm even looking for?? but anyway that's another story.

so we went on our way to our first op shop. we didn't really spend long there and i wish i'd taken some more time to look at the clothes because we got told pretty soon that they were actually closing up. so everyone took what they had grabbed straight to the counter to pay so we could leave them to shut for the day.

we knew the next op shop we wanted to go to would also be closing soon so we went there next. i actually picked out a few things here! i've always needed new pants and for once i actually committed to buying some even if they didn't necessarily 'jump out at me' as i usually wait for things to do before i buy them. i even got a little bit of variety by buying a pair of pants that weren't jeans! i also grabbed a new shirt even if i maybe didn't need it but anyway. i haven't tried any of it on yet so i'm hoping it all fits comfy (i'm still learning my sizes, not that they're always very helpful, and i don't like using changing rooms). i also scored a mostly full pack of 50 dvd-r's for $5, so i'm hoping that'll give me the confidence to start burning some things without worrying that i'll mess them up and waste them. actually as we got to the counter they had already shut off the card payment thing so we were all scrambling around trying to find cash for one another. my purse which was very heavy at the start of the day from change i hadn't dumped into my money box yet, is now very empty, so it's quite lucky i didn't empty it earlier!

then the last shop we went to was a cafe to get hot chocolates since it has been rainy, windy and cold all day and we had been walking everywhere. also because there was another claw machine. i got a chocolate milkshake instead though since i'm not a fan of hot chocolates (or warm drinks in general now that i think about it), but i did have some hot chips my friend had bought for the group to share. by the time all our orders got made it was getting late and the weather was getting worse so we sat i'm my friend's car for a while until we were ready to go home for the day and that's basically where i'm at now!

Wed, 24 Jul 24

Wow okay so I meant to update a few days ago but that hasn't happened and you wouldn't believe why... So over the weekend titanic was on telly and I am absolutely OBSESSED with this movie. I first saw it when I was a little kid and loved it so so much and rewatching it now I cant get myself to stop thinking about it. I genuinely don't think I've used any of my free time these past few days to do anything other than research stuff related to this movie. I've been meaning to make a web shrine about it in an attempt to get all these thoughts off my brain but I simply cannot get myself to start writing anything so instead I just watch youtube videos about it which is not what I want to do with my time but that's just what I end up doing. Honestly apart from that I've not done much, all I want to do is talk about titanic. It has consumed me. And now that I'm sitting down and writing I know I don't have the time to really write much more so hopefully when I get more time later tonight I actually get a move on this thing. Wish me luck ahhhhhhhhhhhhh