September 2024


Thu, 26 Sep 24

Long time no update! I have been bussssyyy. I don't even know where to start. I've mentioned in several places by now (although actually maybe I haven't since I haven't really gotten any updates out? Idk I start writing things but never actually post them so maybe I only think I've said it a thousand times because I've said it a thousand times to only myself...), I've been away from my home desktop and had to work with my 'old' (8 years old?) laptop. My laptop isnt really built for much more than very basic web browsing or writing up documents or stuff but over the years it's just gotten slower. Somehow, coincidentally just as I'm forced to use my laptop I come across linux, and how it can be used to revive old slowed down computers. So with the help of a friend I've made the switch! Perhaps I'll save my linux rant for a review blog but long story short I've had to do a lot of setup to get my laptop working how I'm used to again which has also not helped the delay of everything.

With all that and other Life Things TM going on I did manage to get a couple of videos up on the youtubes which has been nice. The recent one was a really roughly made minecraft lets play in really poor quality (because again, laptop) and that video somehow took off to more than double the views of my previously most viewed video which was insane. I think I gained 14 subs after posting it too (my maths might be off a bit).

I intended to write a lot more than this but I got a bit distracted so I might just upload this as is so far and hopefully I'll get back to you soon :P