February 2025: An Update

I try to return from hiatus... again. You cant get rid of me.

Sun, 23 Feb 25

Ahhhh long time no see. I maybe forgot a little bit about this site hehe, or at least when I remember it I just don't know how to move forward. Last night (at the time of writing this) I made some minor changes to the site, basically changed the font from my imported nintendo ds font to ms gothic (not ms ui gothic this time, I know, so daring of me). Anyway I've been very inspired recently to make some updates to the site, but I just cant get the motivation going so I'm typing this out in hopes it starts me on something. Depending how much I write I'll probably take this down later or at least re-write it to be more focused, idk I just need to get something started.

I think I've been really focused on my youtube recently since all january I was making videos weekly which felt good, but then it stopped and I've been a bit discouraged by that. I also recently hit 100 subs which is really cool and all the excitement just kept me distracted I guess. Then there's been me getting my computer back with me full time, and the amount of time I'm now spending just watching youtube making me feel like I 'don't have time' for things, but I think I wanna save some of those thoughts for an updated digital minimalism post (if I ever get around to it). I've had so many blog posts planned and in the works that I just haven't gotten around to finishing (you may have noticed I mentioned at least 2 a bit ago), as well as a shrine and a "media page" both barely started. Some of the blog posts are probably getting scrapped but the shrine and new page are still things I want to finish I just cant find the motivation to do them. I also really just want to fix up the index page, like its got some things I love about it but there just not placed in a way I like I guess? Feels a bit empty in soulless in some aspects.

So at this point my plans are: post this, update index (maybe by just taking out a ton of stuff at this point honestly and let it fill itself again naturally??), start on or continue with a new blog post OR work on one of the WIP pages, maybe start on new ideas but I really should get some stuff ticked off first ahh. I also really wanna learn javascript like properly, but I never make it very far :/ I've been looking into using cookies (or something similar, cant remember what it was called though) for my site since apparently it should be possible here on Neocities? I wanna have it so peoples light/dark theme preferences can be remembered every time they visit (I also need to work on a toggle switch) and I also want to bring back a landing page with the "best viewing experience" info and whatnot, but have it only appear to first time visitors. Idk, maybe I'm being too ambitious but if anyone has any information that could help with that please let me know :)

Okay I think that's about all I can get out for now. Like I said I might get rid of this post later down the line (some may remember the september filler blog from last year?? maybe?? idk I'm not that popular but anyway), or ill post a some less random ranty versions on some things I've touched on, we'll see. As always thank you for reading and enjoy the rest of your day/night/et cetera ^ w ^ <3