Get in touch!

This is the contact information page of scftst4rs aka Flickarity.

Things to keep in mind before messaging me:

I am Socially Anxious so I sometimes find it hard to respond to people, whether it's due to overthinking my message, worrying about how it will be recieved, or sometimes I just can't think of a response at all (especially if you try to do small talk with me. I am embarassingly bad at small talk!). However, I enjoy making friends, so feel free to send me a message! Also if you're looking for a response back from me, please consider your wording, for instance phrasing a part of your message as a question. This is especially helpful in emails where I might assume not all messages require a response back. Btw: I do not use tone tags since I tend to be pretty straightforward with new people, but if you ever want clarification on my tone or intention, just ask and I'll be happy to clarify, no judgement! :)

It would be helpful for you to mention who I might recognise you as, or what you found me through when messaging me for the first time. Do I know you on neocities? Did you find me through youtube? Do I regonise you best as your blog name on tumblr? This is all just to give me context about who I'm talking to. You don't have to do this, but it helps me know how to respond to your message!

Why do you have so many forms of contact?

For most things, you'd probably only email me since it's usually the most convenient (if your reading this you probably have an email + I get notifications directly to my phone. Win, win!) but I like to provide as many options as possible incase one works better for you. This list is ordered from most to least convenient based on a) how easy it is for you to send a message, and b) how easy is it for me to receive your message.

Anyway, I'm very sorry this page is so long and text-heavy. I want to be very thorough in answering any concerns you might have about reaching out to me for the first time (because talking to new people can be scary). So finally, here's the list:

Email -Yeah that's right, I use email because I'm all cool like that. This is probably my preferred method, unless you find a different method more comfortable for youself of course! You can use this email for literally any (kind and well-meaning) reason (plz send cat pics!). Emails can be scary but I hope emailing me is not too anxiety provoking! I'm very relaxed on email etiquette so don't stress! If you're not sure what to put as the subject just write "hi" or something, I don't mind :)

Why don't you put your email directly into the email space on your youtube about page?

This email is NOT a business email. I don't think anyone would want to contact me through a business email. But just in case they do I don't want to give them this email for that reason. Also I want to make it clear that you can message me over email for any non-"business" reasons (SEND ME PICTURES OF YOUR PET CAT PLZ!!!). Also that little email space can't elaborate on all these things I want to make clear about contacting me so intstead you get this :P

Tumblr or Twitter - I don't really use either of these to be honest. Tumblr's still cool but I swore a vow not to go back to twitter unless it magically gets okay-ish again? Regardless of how active I am on either site, I might be able to recieve notifications if you conteact me on either of these (although I haven't gotten a notif from them in a looong time), so hopefully I'm more likely to see messages from them than others down the list. On tumblr you can either send an ask or a pm. On twitter preferably send a dm, but I suppose you can also @ me? (is that what people do on twitter? tweet at each other?)

Chatbox - The chatbox can usually be found somewhere on my site or by clicking the link of the heading at the start of this paragraph. I do not recieve notifications for the chatbox so my response time may vary a lot. You do not need to sign up for an account or anything to use the chatbox. Please try not to spam the chatbox as it can only store a limited number of messages. I personally moderate the chatbox, so if you need anything removed please feel free to let me know!

Neocities Profile - If you have a neocities account, you're welcome to leave a message on my profile. I do not recieve notifications for comments left on my profile so my response time may also vary a lot if you message me here.

Discord - I don't give out my discord publicly, but if it will work better for us (e.g. if I need to be added to a groupchat or server) I may be able to give it to you over one of the more private contacts above. I won't accept friend requests from people I don't know. I'd prefer you don't request my discord username or request to message me there without a reason. I suppose more specifically if you're asking for my discord the intention should be to keep in contact with me long term. It makes me sad seeing all the people I have friended that I talked to, like, once and now they just sit there because I'm too nervous to unfriend them :')