About the Webmaster/Webmistress!

You may have seen I breifly introduced myself on the homepage, but here I would like to give some more info about the entity running this site! My name + pronouns require a whole rant, so you can find that information a little further down the page, instead let me start with some other things:

I like chocolate milk, furbys, journaling, dinosaurs (and other prehistoric life), fashion and style, piracy and cats! I have a youtube and not-often-used twitch channel where I post minecraft let's plays amongst other things. Oh yeah, and from that you can probably guess I like minecraft. I also sometimes play genshin impact and roblox.

I live in australia and was born early-ish 2000s. As you can tell, I speak english, it's the only language I'm fluent in but I'm learning a bit of norwegian and japanese! I'm queer, more specifically bisexual and gender queer (I sometimes use the term non-binary interchangably with this but I feel gender queer is more suiting).

What's your name?

So I obviously don't use my legal name online for several reasons, but I'm also indecisive so I can't settle on a name to use. Because of my name on youtube and other places (flickarity) people often call me Flick for short. Alternatively, referring to me by one of my many usernames also works for me! This includes my url scftst4rs as a name but that's obviously a little more diffcult to type!

Currently, I am experimenting with the name Fel, although I don't know how I feel about having that name used by other people yet.

What are ye pronouns?

I mainly go by they/them, you can't really go wrong with these. Occasionally I do like she/her or he/him but it's usually at such specific times it's hard to communicate when someone should use them for me. This is why you'll sometimes see my pronouns displayed as they/any or simply they/them. I should note that my use of "any" pronouns excludes it/its or neo pronouns, however it should go without saying I fully support other people who use it/its or neos, they're just not for me!

Obviously, while technically not misgendering, the exclusive use of she/her or he/him pronouns in a deliberate attempt to upset me, avoid my pronouns or "prove a point" is not okay. Consider this your official notice to not be a smartass ^-^

How did we get here?

I first became interested in website making when my friend mentioned making money off blogging?? I said I'd learn how to make a website and we agreed to share the money it made. That interest was short lived as we moved onto other money making schemes (that also went nowhere lol).

Sometime later while googling something about furbys, I came accross the site myfurbyworld.neocities.org. I'm a bit to young to have experienced personal websites. The earliest sites I knew of growing up were moshi monsters and facebook, so it really confused me that a single person could run a whole website and just post about whatever they wanted. After a while I thought I should see what this neocities was and found myself discovering a whole lot more cool sites, and after a while again I decided I wanted to have a go at making my own. So once again I picked up coding! A few years later and here we are!