Hey there! Welcome to scftst4rs (pronounced "soft stars")! This site is made to be my little cosy corner of the interwebs! I've been meaning to implement a ton of fun stuff here but instead I mostly just blog :3
This site is made in firefox on a 1920 x 1080 monitor and is intended to be viewed on computer. Using a different browser or device may change your viewing experience to varying degrees (RIP chrome users, I try my best but it's so broken), but the site should still remain functional! This site has light/dark themes that are intended to sync with your browser's settings.
16.mar.25 - SITE OVERHAUL!!! Got some major file re-organising going on in the background right now. The blog and its entries may be down for a bit. Other pages might have some issues but I've checked them over and couldn't find any myself (if you find any plz let me know :P)
- scftst4rs ♡