idk how 2 code lol I love cats Trans Rights! I'm so stressed Bisexual Genderqueer peace and quiet please be patient! Shop second hand!!! Froggie Lover shapeshifter

Hey there! Welcome to scftst4rs (pronounced "soft stars")! This site is made to be my little cosy corner of the interwebs! I've been meaning to implement a ton of fun stuff here but instead I mostly just blog :3

This site is made in firefox on a 1920 x 1080 monitor and is intended to be viewed on computer. Using a different browser or device may change your viewing experience to varying degrees (RIP chrome users, my site looks ugly as heck on your screens), but the site should still remain functional! This site has light/dark themes that are intended to sync with your browser's settings.


I've successfully made a second update to my July blog! Hopefully I continue to keep this up as a habbit! Also 40,000 site views is insane thank you so much!!!

- scftst4rs ♡

placeholder stampz raaahhhh!!
borgor chubby goldfish i support minecraft K-on! koi fish in pond minecraft bee nyan cat traveling through portals vaporwave animation of skyscrapers pretty water Wii
latest video